We just received an update from Project SHARE of Niagara Falls it is as follows:

Wow! You and your teams are amazing!

We received $2138 in cash and cheques, plus 873.5 lbs of food with a value of $2271.10.

I looked back in to your file and, not counting these donations, you have donated just shy of $40,000 (cash and food value) since November 2015. Almost $45,000 in less than 3 years, awesome!

Thank you,
Adam Warriner
Events and Fundraising Coordinator
Project SHARE”

We want to thank all the teams that participated! There were an amazing 15 teams in all! Thanks go out to the incredible teams from Newport Landscaping, Niagara Falls Firefighters, Niagara Regional Police, Good Life Fitness, E.S. Fox, Niagara Falls Hydro, Win Health and Kettlebells Niagara. You guys and gals are really all amazing because none of this would happen if you didn’t come out to play and donate!

Tina Boccabella, I know we’ve all said it before, but you are truly amazing coming up with the concept, all your hard work putting it together and organizing and inspiring so many teams to put their foot forward and join the cause. If it wasn’t for someone like you this would never have happened! (does that mean I get less burpies?) I know that everyone had a blast and we were very entertained by great music, great announcing by Luke, a wonderful ref and all the friends and family that gathered together to compete and enjoy this event!