We are back at our workouts!
After moving into Phase II, we’ve been outdoors holding classes by appointment only. Contact Tina for dates and times that you will be added to a class.
These images were taken at Monday’s class held in Oakes Park.
After moving into Phase II, we’ve been outdoors holding classes by appointment only. Contact Tina for dates and times that you will be added to a class.
These images were taken at Monday’s class held in Oakes Park.
At Kettlebells this morning our class was like visiting the Casino! Play your cards right and you might pick a winner! No matter what though, in Kettlebells, it’s always a challenge. So today we were picking cards to determine what we our workout looked like. Lots of steps for me and […]
Time is flying! Have you picked up your food donation? We would love it, even if you are a spectator, if you brought a small donation of food for Project Share!