We are back at our workouts!
After moving into Phase II, we’ve been outdoors holding classes by appointment only. Contact Tina for dates and times that you will be added to a class.
These images were taken at Monday’s class held in Oakes Park.
After moving into Phase II, we’ve been outdoors holding classes by appointment only. Contact Tina for dates and times that you will be added to a class.
These images were taken at Monday’s class held in Oakes Park.
At Kettlebells this morning our class was like visiting the Casino! Play your cards right and you might pick a winner! No matter what though, in Kettlebells, it’s always a challenge. So today we were picking cards to determine what we our workout looked like. Lots of steps for me and […]
Get your team in to Tug of War 2019! Our Tug of War will be held on July 9, 2019 and we need you to be there! If you’re not on a team we would still love to see you cheer us on or join one of our teams. Donations are graciously accepted in […]
We just received an update from Project SHARE of Niagara Falls it is as follows:
Wow! You and your teams are amazing!
We received $2138 in cash and cheques, plus 873.5 lbs of food with a value of $2271.10.
I looked back in to your file and, not counting these donations, you have donated just shy of $40,000 […]
One of the most beautiful parks, and we love to work out there! At least the weather was a little cooler and there was a breeze to keep us comfortable. These images were taken in class this morning
The day has finally arrived! Our 4th annual Tug of War today at 6 p.m. at Oakes Park! See you there with your food donations! This is going to be good…Tina has been working us all hard to get ready for this …just kidding. But she always works us hard so this is no different […]
Just a reminder that we are preparing for the Tug of War 2018! If you haven’t already please get your team signed up by July 1, 2018 and that is coming fast! We want you and your team there! We have more teams again and we are hoping that the community will continue to support […]