10 Days Left in the Project Share Challenge!
Ten days left for the Project Share Challenge . 4 picks , 41 bins and a truck load of produce have gone so far . Keep up the great work! We are going to do this!
Another challenging morning at Kettlebells Niagara but we would never expect anything but that from Tina. Doubles are double trouble and that’s what some of us did this morning, but reaching the end is even more satisfying when you know that you have made it there!
Don’t forget that on Tuesday we begin the Project […]
Get on your computer, phone or iPad or tablet and get your vote in! https://readerschoice.niagarafallsreview.ca is the link. You will have to login or create an account and then login to vote. Get out and show Niagara Falls who has the best Fitness Club and members!!!!
Up early and to Tina’s class first! That’s the way that we roll around here! No matter how many times you have worked out with Tina, there is never the feeling that you’re “doing this one again”. Each and every time you at attend, she has a new challenge for you physically…it just […]
We have been nominated for best fitness club in Niagara Falls by Niagara Falls Review Reader’s Choice! You have until September 28th to get your vote in! Show them who we are! Here is the link: https://readerschoice.niagarafallsreview.ca/2018/09/best-health-wellness-beauty/fitness-club